This review comes with a preface regarding social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook. If you’re not a participant on either, then sorry kids, this app isn’t for you. But for those of you who are connected, then this has a little more bearing on you.
I’m relatively new to the social media world in the grand scheme of things. But what I’m not new to is the music scene. One of my greatest passions in life is music. The creation, enjoyment and proliferation of music drives my soul. So when I first opened up Cardinal Music I had one thing to say: where have you been all my social media life?
This application is beautifully simple in purpose and design and you get exactly what you expect from it. It provides a simple way to share the music you’re currently listening to on your iPod Touch or iPhone with your social media streams. Coming preloaded with a couple of different messages to display, the artist, song title and album or combinations thereof, the user can also add their own messages, or edit the preloaded ones, and you can set one as a favourite message for easy tweeting.
The message posted to your Facebook wall or Twitter feed will contain a shortened link to the album on iTunes so your friends and followers can preview or purchase your recommendations, and to me this is what social media is all about. A means to spread love of things you love to like minded individuals.
So for $0.99 I can say that I’ve used it enough to make it more than worth while.
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