Kids Animal Piano was recently released by Radu Muresan. It’s a port of one of his popular Android apps to iPhone and iPad. So how did the transition go? Really well. Kids Animal Piano is a mash up of animal sounds as musical notes, playable via piano keys. The concept is simple, which is exactly […]
Rdio has become an everyday companion of mine, keeping me in nearly all the musical loops I hoped for. Though all the music I could ever want is a finger touch away, Calgary’s mobile development team Mediumrare took things one step further with Setlist. This app cross-references the artists in your collection with Songkick’s concert listings to […]
After a long day of clacking away behind my computer I was asked to play around with mediumrare’s new iPad app Step Sequence. In about 3 seconds melodic loops were bomping from our work iPad, naturally attracting an array of attention. Like a flock of birds fighting over scraps, my team and I squabbled over […]
I started my morning with a nice cup of coffee, pushed some emails back and forth, then commenced a battle-royal with my fleet of ninja’s against hordes of cute little dinosaurs. Ninja Dino Showdown is a lane defence game for iOS devices where the player controls three ninjas across a tiled battlefield. The further I […]
Finding that perfect playlist to please the masses is a tough feat! We the user can utilize services like Myspace, SoundCloud, Grooveshark (and lots more) to keep us in-tune with an artists latest tracks, yet these communities don’t allow for collaboration. Anthm app is the first solution for passionate music lovers bickering over what music […]
We here at hope that everyone had a fantastic New Years and even better Holiday Season. The Calgary app community was rather quiet in December, but it’s looking like January 2012 is shaping up to be a whole different story. The rumor mill is a buzz with some very exciting launches in the next […]