My week started off with a bang! Â I had a chance to run down to Mobile Monday where I caught up one of Calgary’s sharpest, Jonathan Kohl. Â He’s a Calgary based consultant with a keen focus on mobile application development, policy and strategy. Â I had the opportunity to ask Jonathan a few questions this is […]
The Holidays are upon us and everyones caught the Christmas bug. Scrambling about for presents and fresh eats are high on the list for most Calgarians. Eat Canada app has launched just in time for the season! Local developer Jeremy Gale and CBC’s opinionated eating machine John Gilchrist have teamed up to release an app of their […]
Unless you live under a yyc rock you’ve heard the news that Beaucoo has launched! Beaucoo is the brain child of the Decoder team which includes the dynamic duo of Christian and Victoria Maclean. The Beaucoo tagline is “Pics on someone your own size!” which ties in with it’s main aim: Beaucoo is an app […]
The apps that we have had the best successes with are the apps where we have felt before we released them that we stumbled upon something “magic” before we ever showed it to anyone else. Stephen is an app developer here in Calgary. I’ve enjoyed many of Stephen’s games and he’s been known within the […]
My games have been downloaded more than half a million times – just trying to imagine half a million kids playing my games makes me feel pretty good about all of my efforts. Do you know Radu Muresan? I bet you don’t. Radu is a software developer here in Calgary. I found out about Radu […]
Kids Animal Piano was recently released by Radu Muresan. It’s a port of one of his popular Android apps to iPhone and iPad. So how did the transition go? Really well. Kids Animal Piano is a mash up of animal sounds as musical notes, playable via piano keys. The concept is simple, which is exactly […]