Welcome to the new age of the political revolution my friends. In a time where the attention span of eligible voters is at an all-time low, you have to make every moment count. So if you’re having a quick discussion on Calgary’s upcoming civic election on October 18th (check out calgarypolitics.com and calgarydemocracy.ca for all the details) with one of your coworkers in the lunch room, or in the elevator with that cute girl you’ve been trying to sound smart around, there’s now an easy way to show the masses the policy of at least one mayoral candidate.
Naheed Nenshi has taken his political tactics to the web, dominating the #yycvote Twitter stream, nearing 1000 more Facebook friends than his nearest competitor, and he’s the only candidate to release an iPhone app. read more
As per Murphy’s Law, coming up with a truly great url will only come in two possible instances: at a bar or on the toilet.
Truthfully, neither is an ideal situation to jot down a quick note. Also according to Murphy’s Law, the only time you’ll forget to renew a url you already own is when you really, really need it. read more
Yes, we’ve gone through a much needed makeover.
Over the past 6 months, yycapps.com has transformed from a simple idea to a single web page to a full on resource for the Calgary iPhone Development community.
But unfortunately, over the past couple of weeks, it became quite clear that yycapps.com had outgrown it’s humble design beginnings. Most of the original design choices were based on a getting the project off the ground mentality, rather than design and usability. So with a bit of extra time on our hands, we took a run at redesigning yycapps to address three of the most glaring usability issues with the old site. read more
Last month during my state of the site post, I promised to work harder to help promote some of the grassroots meet-ups happening within the Calgary iPhone Development community.
So for all you local developers out there, Big Stack Studios, the makers of Sigma and Dawn of Night, are hosting the second iPhone Developer Night on August 25th. Last month’s meet-up was such a success that they are back at it again, but this time everyone will be given the chance to demo their in-progress or finished games to group. Then afterwards, people will be heading out for a few drinks and some less informal conversations.
If you want to get involved or attend, you’ll have to join the iPhone Developers group on LinkedIn and respond to the iPhone Developer Night #2 thread. Leevon Bennett is organizing the meet-up for Big Stack, but he needs some numerical information before the event, so get in touch with him ASAP.
So if you’re just looking to connect with other developers or want to demo your latest project, make sure you mark next wednesday down in your calendar.
This is going to be incredibly difficult, but bear with me. I’m going to try and review the incredibly addictive new Vampire vs. Werewolves game – Dead of Night – without making reference to them. You know THEM. You know, that other group of Vampires and Werewolves which have infected pop-culture for the past four years.
So bear with me.
Dead of Night is the latest release from Calgary’s BigStackStudios, the team behind one of this summer’s biggest hits Sigma.
If you’re familiar with the BigStack catalog you’ll be familiar with the gameplay and concept of Hottie Hookups (or just familiar with Russel Fee’s fantastic review from earlier this year). Dead of Night is a second rendition of the Hottie Hookups concept. This time, instead of pitting nerds and sexy bar stars against one another other, Dead of Night pits Vampires, Werewolves, and the dread (and incredibly cool) Steampunk Van Helsing against each other in a epic battle for the souls of humankind. read more
As the infamous commercial goes, there is apparently an app for everything.
Yes, we know there are apps that act as lighters, allow you to track your friends social outings and even organize your life. But is there an app for the street savvy Fashionista in all of us? If you ask Fresh Concept Labs, they’d probably say yes and then subsequently send you a link to their new app Stylmee. read more