The apps that we have had the best successes with are the apps where we have felt before we released them that we stumbled upon something “magic” before we ever showed it to anyone else. Stephen is an app developer here in Calgary. I’ve enjoyed many of Stephen’s games and he’s been known within the […]
My games have been downloaded more than half a million times – just trying to imagine half a million kids playing my games makes me feel pretty good about all of my efforts. Do you know Radu Muresan? I bet you don’t. Radu is a software developer here in Calgary. I found out about Radu […]
Kids Animal Piano was recently released by Radu Muresan. It’s a port of one of his popular Android apps to iPhone and iPad. So how did the transition go? Really well. Kids Animal Piano is a mash up of animal sounds as musical notes, playable via piano keys. The concept is simple, which is exactly […]
After a long day of clacking away behind my computer I was asked to play around with mediumrare’s new iPad app Step Sequence. In about 3 seconds melodic loops were bomping from our work iPad, naturally attracting an array of attention. Like a flock of birds fighting over scraps, my team and I squabbled over […]
My wife and I are not parents, but we do fall into the demographic where a good majority of our close friends are quickly starting their own family. When we ask them what their biggest frustration is – within our circle of friends at least – the overwhelming response is the inability to anticipate their […]
Finding that perfect playlist to please the masses is a tough feat! We the user can utilize services like Myspace, SoundCloud, Grooveshark (and lots more) to keep us in-tune with an artists latest tracks, yet these communities don’t allow for collaboration. Anthm app is the first solution for passionate music lovers bickering over what music […]